Welcome to ELNSensors and Systems, India
ELNSensors and Systems, is a start up company started by a woman entrepreneur with the vision of providing innovative products to the world. We design and develop sensors and systems which will change the conventional ways of measurement of process parameter like Flow, Pressure, Level, Temperature, TDS/Conductivity, Velocity etc.
After a detailed market analysis and understanding various challenges faced while the measurement of different process parameters, we have designed a combined sensor system - ELNBAR which can be used for the measurement of multiple parameters eliminating the need of using multiple measurement instruments.
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Multiparameter Measurements of
Flow, Pressure, Level, Temperature, TDS/Conductivity, Velocity

The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
Flow Measurement of
Completely Filled and Partially Filled Pipe Lines

Unlike conventional type flow meters, ELNBAR enables the effortless measurement of flow of Partially as well as completely filled pipelines.
Suitable for
Dirty Conductive Liquids

ELNBAR is also designed for the accurate measurement of dirty conductive liquids as well.
Half the Price of
Full Bore Type Flow Meters

As compared with conventional type flow meters, ELNBAR helps you save the overall cost by almost 50% having same features.
Maintain Same Accuracy
As of Full Bore Meters

While delivering reliable performance with added advantages, ELNBAR provides same accuracy as that of the full bore type flow meters.
Only Single Flange Joint Avoiding Leakages
As in case due to Multiple Joints

The insertion type single flange joint process connection of ELNBAR helps avoid leakages.
No Need of Sensor Alignments
As in case of Clamp on Ultrasonic Flow Meters

Unlike clamp-on type ultrasonic flow meters, the sensor alignment is not required while installing ELNBAR.
Low Initial Installation Cost
As compared with Full Bore Flow Meters

While installing the ELNBAR, there is no need to cut the pipe and welding mating flanges. A single drill on top of the pipe will be sufficient for the installationwhich ultimately results in huge cost and effort saving. There is no need to stop the operation as well.
Single Intrusion on top of the pipe
Avoiding Multiple Intrusions

Unlike multi-path ultrasonic flowmeters, in ELNBAR only one intrusion is required on top of the pipe.
Less Transportation Cost
As compared with other Large Size Flow Meters

Due to the compact design and light weight, ELNBAR can be fit into single box making it very easy for transportation. This in turn will helpsave a lot of transportaion cost and efforts.
Multiparameter Measurements
Multiparameter Measurements of
Flow, Pressure, Level, Temperature, TDS/Conductivity, Velocity
The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
Partially & Completely Filled Pipe Lines
Flow Measurement of
Completely Filled and Partially Filled Pipe Lines
The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
Suitable for Dirty Conductive Liquids
Suitable for
Dirty Conductive Liquids

The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
50% Cost Reduction
Half the Price of
Full Bore Type Flow Meters

The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
Maintain Same Accuracy as of Full Bore Meters
Maintain Same Accuracy
As of Full Bore Meters

The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
Single Flange Joint Avoids Leakages
Only Single Flange Joint Avoiding Leakages
As in case due to Multiple Joints

The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
No Need of Sensor Alignments
No Need of Sensor Alignments
As in case of Clamp on Ultrasonic Flow Meters

The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
Low Installation Cost
Low Initial Installation Cost
As compared with Full Bore Flow Meters

The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
Single Intrusion on Top of the Pipe
Single Intrusion on top of the pipe
Avoiding Multiple Intrusions

The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.
Less Transportation Cost
Less Transportation Cost
As compared with other Large Size Flow Meters

The ELNBAR is a Multiparameter Measurement Sensor. This is a single integrated sensor used for the measurement of various parameters like Velocity, Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature and Conductivity of Conductive Liquid.